Merqurio Network Program
We share visibility, through a permanent programme of networking, advice, support and expertise.
Thanks to Merqurio's expertise, our partners will have more solutions for their business and their customers.
Our network includes companies, consultants, professionals, scientific societies, associations and institutions working to improve communication to doctors and citizens.
The Merqurio Network Program is based on a model of collaboration and sharing of projects, services and visibility, designed to foster the development of our partners, always with an eye on people's well-being.
What is Merqurio Network Program
For more than 25 years Merqurio has been building relationships, fostering communication and developing opportunities
At the heart of our work and that of our network is the focus on people, whether they are clients, professionals, patients or citizens. We believe that certain activities such as consultancy, support and monitoring are the foundations on which to build a successful relationship.We focus on training because we believe that confrontation is the key to networking.
Numbers achieved since 2018:
- 13 face-to-face events, attended by 380 managers
- 1,300 hours of in-person training
- 190 webinars, with over 3,500 participants
- 9,000 hours of online training
Who we are
Merqurio, the solution for your Pharma Marketing in Italy
For more than 25 years we have been involved in Pharma Marketing in Italy, offering outsourcing services designed to make marketing, promotion, information and sales activities simpler and more effective. Our pharma multichannel solutions simplify and enhance all the services our clients need.

Communicate with the doctor
Let doctors access your site
Increase the audience of doctors on social media
Map the right doctors for your campaigns
Improve the value of your social campaigns towards doctors, patients and pharmacists
Use a Single Signe-On for doctors to access your site
Promote your campaigns to doctors, patients and pharmacists
Refine your medical record with Channel Preference
The advantages of being a Merqurio Partner
Sharing skills for a successful project
We firmly believe that there are no competitors, but colleagues operating in the same market. We firmly believe that Pharma Marketing in Italy is much more like a dance than a war. We firmly believe that competence and culture grow as knowledge is shared. We firmly believe that collaboration between several parties with different skills generates value for potential clients' projects.
We have reserved a privileged list for you, with favourable conditions, differentiating your package from those we usually offer to our clients. Exclusive, tailor-made services for the growth of your business and constant support from our consultants.
You can also reach the contacts in our database through multiple channels, developing services coordinated with Merqurio.
If you share these convictions, the Merqurio Network Program is for you.

Knowledge is sharing, not possession
Since 2018, with the Merqurio Campus we have organised 13 face-to-face events, 550 webinars, met 380 managers and involved the most experienced partners. In more than 25 years of activity, Merqurio has built a diverse network, which has already been joined by more than 8,000 pharmaceutical managers, 250,000 doctors, 25,000 pharmacists, 1,500 managers of healthcare facilities. We communicate regularly with all of them through news, updates and events. Promoting professional development is an effective opportunity for communication between all the players operating in the healthcare sector, capable of generating opportunities for all.
Merqurio Campus is the ideal training offer for Associations, Institutions, Pharmaceutical Companies and for our Partners who focus on innovation and believe in quality. Our training courses, led by authoritative and experienced speakers, can keep you up to date and help you acquire new skills in the digital and pharma multichannel field.