Pharma Marketing in Italy
What is Pharma Marketing in Italy
Although the pharmaceutical industry is naturally dedicated to innovation, the use of marketing strategies appears to be much more recent, although competition between the major companies is already fierce.
Pharma marketing is the set of tools available to the pharmaceutical industry to promote ethical drugs, SOPs, OTCs, medical devices and dietary supplements to their target audience.
The target audience for marketing in pharma is not unique, but from time to time can be identified with general practitioners, specialists, different types of healthcare professionals (HCPs), pharmacists, patients; or all (or some) of the above categories.
Unlike marketing used to promote other sectors, pharma marketing in Italy does not aim exclusively at selling the different types of pharmaceutical products, but may have different objectives, although always related to a clear health need.
Precisely for this reason, in addition to the promotion of individual pharmaceutical products (based on specific values such as innovation, quality, safety, efficacy, tolerability, convenience, etc.), pharma marketing in Italy can be differentiated into further marketing campaigns, such as:
- Disease awarness (clarifying to doctors/patients the characteristics of a specific disease);
- Referral program (directing patients to facilities specialised in the treatment of a certain disease);
- Patient Advocacy (all activities aimed at patient involvement).
Pharma Marketing Targets
Pharma Marketing to Doctors
In this type of campaign, the doctor is the target audience and, through the health professional, the message falls on the patient.
The first step for a successful pharma marketing campaign in Italy towards doctors is to have an up-to-date and highly profiled database, organised by speciality, region, therapeutic interest, so as to be able to send the right communication to the right doctor, with the aim of directing communications of interest to the various professionals, always highlighting elements and data of scientific evidence, using the following tools:
Non Personal Promotion
Non-personal promotion (NPP) is based on new promotional strategies for doctors, no longer with PtoP information, but with e-mail and other pharma digital marketing channels cleverly combined with print products.Remote sales representative
The Remote Pharmaceutical Representative in Italy is a model proposed for the first time in Italy by Merqurio and is a registered trademark. There are two means of communication available to the remote pharmaceutical representative: telephone and web.
It is a network of pharmaceutical representatives operating directly in the field, the so-called frontal informants, on behalf of pharmaceutical companies.
Medical Information
The Medical Information (MI) service consists of answering unsolicited medical and scientific enquiries from healthcare professionals and patients.
Pharma Marketing to patients
In this type of marketing, the message is addressed directly to a specific type of patient.In this case, pharmaceutical companies aim to shed light on diseases (prevention, symptoms, remedies) in order to meet the health needs of patients.
Pharma Marketing and the Market
Adopting Ansoff's matrix (also known as the Product-Market Matrix), in the pharmaceutical marketing in Italy we can also speak of:- Existing market
- New market
- Existing product (Mature Products)
- New Product (Product Launch)
The Multichannel Pharma Marketing
"The right content, to the right doctor, at the right time, with the right channel. This is the most up-to-date vision with which pharmaceutical companies reach their target audience".